The Good Mourning actor planted a kiss on her cheek as he wrapped her in a hug. The second video was shot in black and white and once again featured the pair making silly faces, both of them sticking out their tongues after the Hulu personality pursed her lips.ĭavidson laughed as he pulled Kardashian in close in the third and final clip of the couple on the reality star’s Instagram Story.
While the King of Staten Island star was leaning in for a smooch, Kardashian first looked at the camera with a smile before closing her eyes and kissing him back. Almost immediately, however, Davidson, 28 - with a huge grin on his face - turned his head to kiss his girlfriend on the lips. In the first clip in the series, which the Skims founder, 41, shared via her Instagram Story on Sunday, May 29, the couple faced the camera and stuck out their tongues.
Taking a page from Kravis’ book? Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson shared an intimate look at their relationship when she posted three videos kissing and cozying up to the Saturday Night Live alum.